7-Up Shirley Temple – Zero Sugar

After a long wait, I finally got to try Zero Sugar 7-UP Shirley Temple, and I have to say I'm quite disappointed, its a very weak flavor, and honestly, the addition of pomegranate was disappointing and makes it weak and very less flavor.

Now months later you can now read more online about it, it was a special holiday release in the States, and at first I was really upset that Canada yet again gets disclosed, but after trying it, I'm not that upset any more, why Pepsi Co why pomegranate, it isn't in the real recipe, its not a part of a Shirley Temple, and if someone wants to add it thats their business but it shouldn't be there it absolutely takes away from the taste, if they didn't add that this would have been the perfect drink, but now, ... very sad.

If you want to buy a can, its ok to try, but I wouldn't consider a case, it needs to have that cherry taste, and its just not there.

However on the positive side, if your Canadian and want to explore a more different taste, and get some of the soda that we get on the south of the boarder then, heres a web site worth checking out.


Sorry Pepsi Co, severely under whelmed here.

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