Ok, finally I can say I've finished the game, and I'd like to offer my honest review on it.
- Price point, yes its a new release and its been remastered, and not even by a bit, everything was redone, and it almost looks 3D, there are voice actors, and the game itself is absolutely stunning, so yes right now chances are your paying full price for this but its absolutely worth it.
- Game play, controls are great, and everything is fluid and feels amazing.
- This by far is not a short game, its actually quite long, and can take quite some time to through, it isn't something that will done over a weekend, it is very eventful and you have a lot of things that will need to be done.
- Yes it is a game that you have to grind, its an RPG get over it.
- It has some very emotional elements to the game, which adds flavor to it.
- Graphics, are amazing, it just really makes the game so much more worth it.
- over all this game was one of the most amazing games I've ever played, yes you get a ship, you also get a flying device, no I won't spoil it, but I do believe even at full price and absolutely had a lot of fun with this!