I got a big surprise yesterday, my wife had to go to the pharmacy to get a blood pressure test, and what did she see, Pepsi-Cola Cream Soda, this was not something she thought she would see , she brought home a case, and I tried it, wow this was amazing, it was the exact taste that I missed, and couldn't have since being diabetic.
I couldn't believe how amazing it tasted, then Aimee and I went for a walk and dropped off at the grociery store and we found A&W Root beer zero sugar, and wow it tasted the same really really good, and was so happy, you see diabetics have it hard, we can't drink diet pop as it still has carbs which turn into sugar so its not diabetic friendly, so we rely on zero if we want soda, and these were the last 2 things we were missing, now I feel like I have everything that I want, everything that I have been missing.
Thank you Pepsi and Coke! that was the best day I've had forever.