Canada vs the US

There is a sad war happening right now, its the US trade war, and its getting pathetic, and its time for people to wake up and do something about Trump before it gets out of hand.

I hate politics and I don't like posting them here, but I need to say this.

Who is going to end up getting hurt worse here?

#1. Canada is probably the only country that is 100% self sufficient, we don't need the US for any natural resources, but the US needs us.

#2. Trade between 2 countries should help both, and if Donald Trump thinks that a 1 way agreement is going to work, it won't because no one is going to just give him what he wants, a fair agreement is the only real solution.

#3. Who gets hurt more when Canadians refuse to take vacations in the US, heck whos to say more people refuse to take vacations there? sure Canada isn't a hot location, but Mexico is nice, Canada has a lot of places to see and do, and in the summer it does get quite hot.

#4. Do we need American booze or smokes, heck no, we have our own and for the most part its better, and Trump, while this garbage is going on, consider the fact that we Canadians get used to our own stuff and even when you grow up and respect our past agreements and lift the tariffs whos to say we ever buy American again.

#5. You need our oil, but what, Canada just signed a deal to sell to China, was it smart to corner a country to sell to China? This can change dynamics very fast.

#6. Have you forgotten one of the things that made the US so powerful was its trade, what happens when Trump comes in messing that all up.

#7. Do you honestly think Canada want's to be a part of the US? No, we love our neighbors to the south, but its more like brother sister love, we won't be annexed into Trumps bs so easily, in fact I'd shoot Trump on site just out of principal, I am a loyalist, I am a Canadian and Trump represents a threat to Canadian sovernty, and for that Trump deserves to be killed if he sets foot in Canada.

#8. Messing with global trade this way, sets a dangerous precedent where strife between 2 allies, makes our enemies see an opportunity to strike us.

#9. As it stands right now we don't and will not be buying American, not until Trump makes right.

If you think that Canada gets supplemented by the US you better get a good look at reality.

Conclusion, its quite simple, Trump needs to go, simple as that, his getting rid of federal jobs, the trade war needs to end, trying to annex Canada needs to end, Trump is more and more looking like Hitler, simple as that.

We need to make peace among ourselves so we can be ready for what is really coming, Why the Americans voted in a criminal is beyond me, but lets make some changes before its too late.

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