Back in 2014, when Burger King purchased Tim Hortons I was excited, wow now I can go to Burger King and get my Whopper and my double double, but wow was I disappointed, they didn't use it, I could never figure out why they choose to use their own crap blend when they could just use the blend they purchased, I mean they could seriously compete with McDonalds and make some serious money from it, but they royally missed out on business, and lost a lot of money.
Now Burger King is releasing some Tim Hortons in the USA, and hold on Houston we have a problem, it has different suppliers, according some some reviews, and is not the same, people have openly stated that Tim Hortons in the States cost more, and is not as good as Canada, which makes me mad.
I am happy to share my Canadian pride with American neighbors, but I only want to share it with them when I'm actually sharing the real thing.
Burger King when your releasing things to the US and labeling it a Canadian coffee, please be sure to sell them the real thing, make it the same way, making it different is a fraud.
There are a lot of coffee chains in the US as there are in Canada, if we are bringing a Canadian brand to the US, lets make it the same so its uniform across the board, other wise name it something else.
My American friends, I'm sorry this happened, please don't think this is our coffee! Just my 2 cents.