I'm pretty upset at the moment, I'm hearing that Ahsoka season 2 is canceled, why Disney?
Look, Disney I get it your a failure, but this is your fault, not us the fans, when you embraced woke culture you should expect to face the consequences.
Disney it is your job to make movies that engage us, entertain us, when I go to the movies I pay good money, almost a small fortune to be lost in the story, characters I'm going to love, engage me, and make me just loose myself, lately it feels as if your pushing a left wing agenda, and do you really think I pay my money for a left morality lecture?
A lot of these left ideals are pushing things on us that are literally the same as a Bible thumper going after you for their faith, both are wrong, and not what we are going to the movies for.
I don't care about the actresses or actors politics, religion or beliefs, they are a different persona than the part they are playing and it should stay that way, if I want to know who they are as a person then its up to me to take my time to learn that outside the movies, their personal lives and such are their private business not mine, but if you want to know why you are failing Disney, its because you are allowing this left wing agenda to push themselves on us your customers, your audience, this isn't something we the people think is appropriate for children, and honestly not something we are paying for.
Disney, this may be a hard pill to swallow, but some projects are better off canceled, and re done later, with an actress who just acts and a story that is going to what people are willing to watch and pay for. Yes I get this is going to cost you money, but you keep going is going to cost you more, and also cost you your reputation.
On the list of things that should be deleted and canceled why Ahsoka season 2? That was popular, everyone loved it, and honestly it is one of the things that will keep people engaged in Disney+
I have been personally dying to see more of it, and now I'm quite upset that this is finished, this was one of the most amazing shows ever, why Disney why?
Personally I think Kathleen Kennedy needs to be fired immediately before she causes more damage, we need Dave Falony, George Lucas, this is what will save you! We need Kathleen gone and a new team that cares about Star Wars, a team that isn't afraid to do the right things, and keep this going.
Please Disney, do the right thing get rid of the left side the side that is pushing an agenda, hire people who care about the project and will be just what they are actors.
We want Ahsoka, we want projects that are going to engage us and make us loose ourselves.
I want you to take my money, only when your willing to offer me something worth my money.