I have to admit, that Dragon Quest 3 2D-HD Remake is absolutely my favorite game, I love jrpgs a lot, and I honestly can't speak enough positivity about this game, I have said it before, and I will say it again, and will speak more as I continue to play through this game.
This is so captivating and so fun to play, and one of the elements that just blow me away is the story telling, it is after all a game that is set like Dungeons and Dragons, and if you don't have a good story the game is going to suck, well Dragon Quest 3 delivers, and delivers epically.
And its not at all sunshine and unicorns, (maybe ill get to kill one eventually.)
I'm sorry for the spoiler, but if you don't want a spoiler, please do not continue reading this post.
But from a game that was started in the 80s, I'm not sure how I believe they pulled off such an emotional story arc, and it really got me emotional, and made me stand still a moment, and yet still I am rather shocked.
so the side quest starts by visiting a town in the north of the map, and everyone aside 1 old man is sleeping, you find the old man and he tells you the fairies have cursed the town to sleep cause one of their men fell in love with a fairy and ran off.
So off you go to find the Fairy village (And I'm not being specific, as I want you to buy and play this game and I don't want to totally ruin this game for you.) you find their village and no one will speak to you aside the queen who believes her daughter stole a relic for the human and believes their relationship was not a healthy one and is rather upset not only loosing her daughter, but to loose her daughter to a human.
So off you go to the Fairy Cave, which isn't a terrible dungeon, its easy lots of good loot, and its fun to go through until the bitter end.
The daughter and her boy friend committed suicide.. if their love couldn't be accepted they hoped their love would be accepted in the next world... this is a dark, deep story, one that hits the heart, and wow, I'm shocked.
Check the game out seriously! It is amazing.