My Wife
I get asked about my wife a lot, why I choose Aimee, and in some circumstances, it can be quite hard to understand.
I met Aimee online over a chat program called IRC, Internet Relay Chat, and we became friends, it took over a few years to even see what each other looked like.
Aimee came from some what a normal family, no real drama, mine can be a can of mixed nuts some times.
We spent years over IRC chatting and getting to know each other with out an honest expectation of wanting anything more.
Some people would say that its hard to meet someone online as you never really know what your really going to get, and its so easy to find fakes.
I would normally caution someone from getting involved with someone you met online, and I have seen plenty of examples of people getting scammed by fakes, it does happen, but you see, when Aimee and I met, neither of us wanted to be together, we just wanted to be friends, and this allowed us to be more open and honest with each other, and thats key, if you want to be in an honest relationship, you have to be friends first, you have to build that base and be open and honest with each other, and this is where people skip out and then loose out on an amazing opportunity.
Then one day I was about to move away, from my parents home (I moved with them when they moved accross the country and was ready to go back out on my own.) and if Aimee didn't call me that very day she would have never found me again, my parents wouldn't pass my cell phone to someone they don't know.
You see Aimee and I were both spending a lot less time on chat and things would have gotten complicated.
So next thing you know, Aimee and I are on the phone constantly and next thing for my birthday I'm flying up to meet her.
I had to tell my parents I was going up to Toronto with friends for a metal concert, which they knew was a lie, but how can they argue.
(On a side note someone from work was belly aching about their age (A decade younger than me.) so to teach her a lesson, I coded her a web site and made it look like she was accepted into a nursing home)
I went to Ontario to visit Aimee and spent the weekend with her and her family (And yes I was dreading the meeting her family) And her family was awesome, a great group of people, and we had a lot of fun, and getting to know Aimee face to face was awesome, and I'm super glad that I went.
later a few months later Aimee flew down to be with me, I had a 2 bed room, and she took a room and I had the other, and we began our relationship, and soon we were engaged.
Soon after we were married, almost 18 years with her, and there are some vaulable lessons to be learned about building a successful marriage.
- Fighting is normal, accept it and move on, just live with it, no one lives in a purely happy bliss always happy, this isn't the Bradey Family, but here is the thing, when you get really angry, take a walk, put some music on and go for a walk, turn on a game and kill some bad guys, go vent else were, not with your partner, come back and talk about it, she's not in the right, neither are you, but you have to compromise and understand how each feels, marriage, or a relationship isn't about you, its about both of you.
- Perspective, you both have one, and you need to understand how each of you feels and see things, take a moment and try to see where they are coming from.
- There are no bosses, both parties need to understand an accept this other wise your going to fail.
- Respect, if you both can't show respect, you won't last.
- Love each other, strongest power in the world, truth.
- Laugh, its great to have a good laugh and to have fun, what is the point of living otherwise.

Thats my story about Aimee, and trust me I have a lot of other Aimee stories, but this is my take of our relationship.